Burnout as a determinant of job performance of nurses
A. Obročníková 1; Ľ. Majerníková 1; B. Gresš-Halász 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra ošetrovateľstva, Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov, Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Slovensko, vedúca katedry ošetrovateľstva PhDr. Dagmar Magurová, PhD.
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 71, 2019, No. 1-2, s. 35-41.
Original Papers
Introduction: Nurse’s profession is one of the helping work groups that are exposed to long-term work-related stress. Its genesis makes the interaction between constant emotional pressure and intense interpersonal relationships taking place in the work environment. Numerous research and publications determine the specific resources in the nursing work that can lead to physical and mental exhaustion.
The goal of the cross-sectional study was to identify the presence of symptoms of burnout syndrome in a defined set of nurses in terms of length of professional practice and to identify work-related stress management strategies using by nurses.
Material and Methods: The research group consisted of 172 nurses working in healthcare facilities, the departments of surgical departments: departments of surgery, traumatology, stomatology, urology, department of anaesthesiology and intensive medicine, gynaecology, workplaces of internal departments: long-term care, neurology, nursing care, cardiology. To collect the data, we used a questionnaire that explored the symptoms of burnout syndrome and the tendency of coping strategies to manage stressful situations in nursing work, depending on the type of workplace (clinical focus).
Results: The results of the study revealed the physical and psychological difficulty of nursing work with significance in a group of nurses working in surgical departments. Nurses suffer from painful conditions, sleep disturbances, feel emotional tension due to their occupation. The work of nurses interferes with private life and the preferred strategy of managing the burden is sleep, passive rest.
Conclusions: Exposure to numerous stressors, exhaustion of nurses, and the existence of burnout risk syndrome is the current challenge to find sophisticated strategies to help healthcare workers with the involvement of the political department, healthcare management and educational institutions..
nurse – stress – stressors – workload – job fluctuation – healthcare
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

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