Nursing job satisfaction – the comparative study
A. Hudáková 1; G. Kuriplachová 1; Ľ. Tkáčová 1; A. Obročníková 1; M. Fučová 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov, Katedra ošetrovateľstva, vedúca pracoviska PhDr. Dagmar Magurová, PhD.
1; Oddelenie otorinolaryngológie a chirurgie hlavy a krku Fakultnej nemocnice s poliklinikou J. A. Reimana v Prešove, vedúci pracoviska primár MUDr. Slavomír Straka
Published in:
Pracov. Lék., 71, 2019, No. 1-2, s. 29-34.
Original Papers
Introduction: The main objective of the comparative study was to find out how motivating or demotivating factors affect the activity of nurses.
Material and methods: The sample consisted nurses from Hospital of Ján Evangelista Purkyně in Uherské Hradiště (Czech republic) and nurses from the Geriatrics Clinic of Faculty Hospital with Policlinic of Ján Adam Reiman in Prešov (Slovak republic). We find the impact of work satisfaction on the activity of nurses through a standardized Questionnaire of Job satisfaction which we obtained with the consent of the author [Vévoda, J. et al. 2010].
Tool is based on Herzberg’s two-phase theory of motivation. These are exogenous and endogenous factors, which have become the basis for compiling two scales in transparent questionnaire.
Results: The results of the study confirm that in Slovak nurses the motivation factors are more saturated (Salary = -10.47). Czech nurses have the same degree of saturation for motivational and demotivational factors (Image of facility = 7.67).
Conclusion: The management of healthcare facilities should primarily address exogenous factors: salary, job security, departmental cooperation, access to information, business climate, social benefits. Endogenous factors should include in particular the non-financial rating of nurses.
nursing – motivational factors – demotivational factors – work satisfaction
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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicineArticle was published in
Occupational Medicine

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