Locoregional Recurrences after Conservative Surgery in Early Breast Cancer

Authors: J. Gatěk 1 ;  J. Kotoč 1;  K. Kotočová 1;  J. Katrušák 2;  P. Vážan 3;  J. Duben 1;  L. Hnátek 1;  B. Dudešek 1
Authors place of work: Chirurgické oddělení nemocnice Atlas, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně 1;  RDO oddělení nemocnice Atlas Zlín 2;  Bioptická a cytologická laboratoř Zlín 3
Published in the journal: Rozhl. Chir., 2010, roč. 89, č. 10, s. 604-611.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


Conservative surgery is considered as standard and alternative mastectomy in early stage breast cancer but number of local recurrence is higher. Aim of the study was to detect number of local recurrences after conservative surgery and to identify risk factors of local recurrence especially importance of resection margins.

Materials and methods:
Local recurrences were evaluated in patients after conservative surgery in early breast cancer at department of surgery Atlas hospital in Zlin between January 2004 and December 2008. T1-2 (only one T3) breast cancers were included in study. Diagnostic biopsy, lumpectomy and quadrantectomy were performed. In all patients axillary nodes were examined. Study guidelines required microscopic distance between resection line and tumor margin 5mm. Specimen after surgery was marked with black ink and from June 2006 with six colors ink. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy in additions to character of cancer followed surgery.

Conservative surgery was performed in 330 patients. Mean age was 59 years. Follow-up was 39.6 month. Stage of the tumor: 0 19x, I 101x, IIA 163x, IIB 33x, IIIA 5, IIIB 0, IIIC 9. Lumpectomy was made 111x including 11 diagnostic biopsies and quadrantectomy 219x. Final conservative surgery was 331x and mastectomy 19x. Positive axillary nodes were 98x. In breast local recurrence appeared in 5 (3.6%) patients and one had regional recurrence without in breast recurrence. Distant metastases were 8x (2.4%) and ten patient died on primary disease without locoregional recurrence.

Local recurrence appeared only 5x. Clear margins after breast conserving surgery are very important factor in prevention local recurrence. We recommend keeping 5 mm resection distance.

Key word:
breast cancer – local recurrence – conservative surgery


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