Alternative Autologous Arterial Graft in Cardiovascular Surgery
P. Loskot; J. Široký; T. Hájek; J. Valenta *
Authors‘ workplace:
Kardiochirurgické oddělení FN Plzeň, primář MUDr. T. Hájek
; Anatomický ústav LF UK Plzeň, vedoucí doc. RNDr. P. Fiala, CSc.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2010, roč. 89, č. 8, s. 501-503.
Monothematic special - Original
Arterial revascularization of myocardium is a method of choice for surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease. The descending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery (DBLFCA) is one of possible alternative autologous arterial grafts. Up to now, since2003, 12 of these grafts have been harvested and used for revascularization of myocardium at our department. All grafts have been used as a Y-graft to the left internal mammary artery for revascularization of target vessels on lateral and inferior heart wall. Graft patency was controlled by the angio-CT procedure after three months. One of the grafts was occluded at the control. It means patency rate after three months was more than 91%. No other complications (such as problematic wound healing, paraesthaesia of lower leg, bleeding, spasm of the graft, infection etc.) were observed with graft harvesting. DBLCFA is a high-quality and safe alternative arterial graft, available for arterial revascularization of myocardium.
Key words:
revascularization of myocardium –arterial grafts – Y-graft
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Perspectives in Surgery

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