Yoga Set Khatu Pranam Effective in Prevention of Back Pains in Nurses
R. Bednár
Authors‘ workplace:
Trnavská Univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, Katedra ošetrovateľstva, Trnava
vedúca katedry doc. PhDr. A. Botíková, Ph. D.
; Odd. FBLR, FNsP, F. D. Roosevelta, Banská Bystrica
primár MUDr. G. Majeríková
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 21, 2014, No. 3, pp. 141-150.
Original Papers
Subject of this study was to find options for prevention of vertebrogenic algic syndrome in nurses. The aim was to create such a motion preventive program that reflects the needs of nurses and is effective enough. In the F. D. Roosevelt University Hospital /FNsP F.D.R./ 63% of nurses suffer from back pain and 68% of nurses carry out some physical activities in leisure time (1). Nurses´ motivation to regular physical activity revealed their intent of obtaining inner peace and energy in 68%, which, in rehabilitation, is met by psychosomatic exercises. These, however, occur in nurses only sporadically (2). Based on these results we developed a preventive program for nurses. Prospective study was attended by 60 nurses working for more than 5 years at in-patient wards of the FNsP F.D.R. in Banská Bystrica. The control group (n=30) was instructed about back school and handling less mobile patients; the exercise group (n=30) was instructed similarly and practiced 3 times per week for 20 minutes: short relaxation, proper breathing exercise and a set of exercises Khatu Pranam from the System Yoga in Daily Life. After 3 months of exercising 3 times per week in the exercise group a significant decrease in pain occurred by 36.67%, p=0.003. In the exercise group significantly improved the ability to maintain balance, breathing stereotype and range of spine motility, typically shortened muscles were brought to normal and weak muscles strengthened. The study confirmed effectiveness of the proposed preventive program against back pain for nurses, but it needs to complete yoga exercises to develop lateral flexion, shortened m. levator scapulae, m. scalenus, m. quadratus lumborum and weak abdominal muscles. The back school and training aimed at handling less mobile patients as such seem to be insufficient.
back pain in nurses, exercises for nurses, Khatu Pranam, Yoga in Daily Life
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

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