Je možné ovlivnit dermatomykózy ekologicky?
Je možné ovlivnit dermatomykózy ekologicky?
Kosmetický biopreparát Biodeur, který je určen pro potlačení hidrotického syndromu nohou a interdigitální mykózy, a současně s tím též k potlačení pachových symptomů provázejících uvedená postižení, je v předloženém příspěvku hodnocen z hlediska svého efektu u souboru 69 pacientů, kterým bylo jeho použití z uvedených důvodů doporučeno. Všichni postižení byli vyšetření dermatologem a zároveň bylo provedeno mykologické vyšetření z interdigitálních prostor nohou a postižených nehtů. Nejčastěji zachyceným agens bylo Trichophyton rubrum (17,4 %), na druhém místě Trichophyton mentagrophytes (8,7 %). U 39 vyšetřených (56,5 %) byla mykózy diagnostikována pouze mikroskopicky.
Klíčová slova:
biopreparát Biodeur - tinea pedis - tinea interdigitalis - onychomykóza - hidrotický syndrom - pachové symptomy
Is it Possible to Influence Dermatomycoses by Ecological Means?
The cosmetic biopreparation Biodeur used to suppress the hidrotic feet syndrome and interdigital mycoses and at the same time also to suppress odoriferous symptoms associated with the above mentioned affections, is evaluated ira the submitted paper from the aspect of its effect ira a group of 69 patients to whom it was recommended for the above reasons. All subjects were examined by a dermatologist and at the same time a mycological examination was made from the interdigital spaces of the feet and affected nails. The most frequently detected agent was Trichophyton rubrum (17.4 %), the second place was held by Trichophyton mentagrophytes (8.7 %). Ira 39 of the examined patients (56.5 %) the mycoses was diagnosed oraly microscopically.The resulting effect of the use of the biopreparation was evaluated one month after the initial application. The odoriferous symptoms disappeared ira 78.6 % of the affected subjects (n=42), improvement was recorded ira another 19.0 %. Oraly ira one tase (2.4 %) the application was a failure. The hidrotic syndrome was eliminated ira 67.4 % (n=43), improvement occurred ira 27.9 % and the condition dia not change ira 4.7 % of the investigated subjects. As to mycoses of the feet (tinea pedis, tinea interdigitalis), the symptoms of the disease were eliminated ira 82.8 % of the investigated subjects (n=58) and they improved ira 17.2 % of the cases. When investigating the effect on onychomycosis oraly improvement of the affection was recorded which was observed ira 72.9 % of the subjects (n=9). Ira 27.1 % no effect on the onychomycosis was observed.It must be also stated that ira none of the investigated subjects during application of the biopreparation any side-effects were observed on account of which the application had to be discontinued. During application ira none of the investigated patients deterioration of the condition occurred.The cosmetic biopreparation Biodeur used to suppress the hidrotic feet syndrome and interdigital mycoses and at the same time also to suppress odoriferous symptoms associated with the above mentioned affections, is evaluated ira the submitted paper from the aspect of its effect ira a group of 69 patients to whom it was recommended for the above reasons. All subjects were examined by a dermatologist and at the same time a mycological examination was made from the interdigital spaces of the feet and affected nails. The most frequently detected agent was Trichophyton rubrum (17.4 %), the second place was held by Trichophyton mentagrophytes (8.7 %). Ira 39 of the examined patients (56.5 %) the mycoses was diagnosed oraly microscopically.The resulting effect of the use of the biopreparation was evaluated one month after the initial application. The odoriferous symptoms disappeared ira 78.6 % of the affected subjects (n=42), improvement was recorded ira another 19.0 %. Oraly ira one tase (2.4 %) the application was a failure. The hidrotic syndrome was eliminated ira 67.4 % (n=43), improvement occurred ira 27.9 % and the condition dia not change ira 4.7 % of the investigated subjects. As to mycoses of the feet (tinea pedis, tinea interdigitalis), the symptoms of the disease were eliminated ira 82.8 % of the investigated subjects (n=58) and they improved ira 17.2 % of the cases. When investigating the effect on onychomycosis oraly improvement of the affection was recorded which was observed ira 72.9 % of the subjects (n=9). Ira 27.1 % no effect on the onychomycosis was observed.It must be also stated that ira none of the investigated subjects during application of the biopreparation any side-effects were observed on account of which the application had to be discontinued. During application ira none of the investigated patients deterioration of the condition occurred.
Key words:
biopreparation Biodeur - tinea pedis - tinea interdigitalis - onychomycosis - hidrotic syndrome - odoriferous symptoms
K. Mencl
Působiště autorů:
Laboratoř lékařské mykologie, Mikrobiologické oddělení Nemocnice Pardubice, primářka MUDr. Ludmila Poustecká
Vyšlo v časopise:
Čes-slov Derm, , 2002, No. 2, p. 71-75
Kosmetický biopreparát Biodeur, který je určen pro potlačení hidrotického syndromu nohou a interdigitální mykózy, a současně s tím též k potlačení pachových symptomů provázejících uvedená postižení, je v předloženém příspěvku hodnocen z hlediska svého efektu u souboru 69 pacientů, kterým bylo jeho použití z uvedených důvodů doporučeno. Všichni postižení byli vyšetření dermatologem a zároveň bylo provedeno mykologické vyšetření z interdigitálních prostor nohou a postižených nehtů. Nejčastěji zachyceným agens bylo Trichophyton rubrum (17,4 %), na druhém místě Trichophyton mentagrophytes (8,7 %). U 39 vyšetřených (56,5 %) byla mykózy diagnostikována pouze mikroskopicky.
Klíčová slova:
biopreparát Biodeur - tinea pedis - tinea interdigitalis - onychomykóza - hidrotický syndrom - pachové symptomy
Dermatológia Detská dermatológiaČlánok vyšiel v časopise
Česko-slovenská dermatologie
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