Vyšlo v časopise:
Čes-slov Pediat 2018; 73 (4): 226.
The „Pediatric Clinical Research“ research conference, formerly known as Pediatric Research of Middle European Countries was established in 1992, nearly a quarter of a century ago, in Vienna. Our aim was to become well acquainted with pediatricians from adjoining countries, therefore after a couple of years in Vienna we decided to rotate our meetings and have already visited many university towns such as Bratislava (SK), Brno (CZ), Budapest (H), Hradec Kralove (CZ), Innsbruck (A), Ljubljana/Bled, Maribor (SLO) and Praha (CZ).
Over the last three decades Paediatric Clinical Research became an important regional framework with its stated goal to inspire the development of pediatric research. Young Fellows together with the leaders whose working groups present and discuss their scientific results in English.
We have chosen our profession to help ill children, which is why we are also committed to receiving a broad specialized education. Each clinic has its medical focus but no clinic can cover the entire scientific field of our discipline Paediatrics. Therefore, it makes sense to cooperate and share the experiences made. Attendance at this conference gives you the unique opportunity to get the access to new methods, to network and to offer special diagnostic tools to more patients, irrespective of the origin of the patient.
This year the Slovak Paediatric Society, represented by Prof. Dr. L. Podracka, takes the occasion to organize the 27. Meeting of Paediatric Clinical Research in Bratislava, capitol of Slovakia. Over the next three years our meetings will take place in Debrecen (2019), Praha (2020) and in Maribor (2021), we cordially invite you to participate.
Prof. Dr. Radvan Urbanek
President of the 1. Meeting
in Vienna 1992
Prof. Dr. Ludmila Podracka
Congress President
in Bratislava 2018
Neonatológia Pediatria Praktické lekárstvo pre deti a dorastČlánok vyšiel v časopise
Česko-slovenská pediatrie

2018 Číslo 4
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- Využití hodnoticích skóre a objektivních nástrojů při léčbě astmatu
- Facilitovaná imunoglobulínová substitučná liečba u detských pacientov s imunodeficienciou – dáta z reálnej klinickej praxe
- Léčba bolesti a horečky u dětí
Najčítanejšie v tomto čísle
- Uveitida asociovaná s juvenilní idiopatickou artritidou
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- Před 110 lety se narodil vynikající pediatr prof. MUDr. Antonín Mores