RBPJ, the Major Transcriptional Effector of Notch Signaling, Remains Associated with Chromatin throughout Mitosis, Suggesting a Role in Mitotic Bookmarking

How does a cell remember what it should be after cell division? One mechanism that is beginning to emerge is the retention of a few key regulatory proteins on the highly condensed mitotic chromatin during cell division. These proteins are called mitotic bookmarks, as they are believed to offer critical information as to how genetic information should be read immediately after mitosis. We have found that a protein called RBPJ, which plays pivotal roles in regulating cell-fate choices, is retained on mitotic chromatin. RBPJ transmits to DNA signals elicited by the Notch pathway: a pathway that conveys information resulting from the communication between two adjacent cells. Unlike many other factors, we found that RBPJ can bind to nucleosomes, which are the basic unit of packaged DNA consisting of DNA wrapped around eight histone proteins. We also found that RBPJ interacts with and binds to DNA sites regulated by the CTCF protein, which plays important roles in regulating long-range DNA interactions. Together, our results suggest that RBPJ can function as a mitotic bookmarking factor, to help maintain genetic programs, higher-order structural information and consequently the memory of cell identity through cell division.

Vyšlo v časopise: RBPJ, the Major Transcriptional Effector of Notch Signaling, Remains Associated with Chromatin throughout Mitosis, Suggesting a Role in Mitotic Bookmarking. PLoS Genet 10(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004204
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004204


How does a cell remember what it should be after cell division? One mechanism that is beginning to emerge is the retention of a few key regulatory proteins on the highly condensed mitotic chromatin during cell division. These proteins are called mitotic bookmarks, as they are believed to offer critical information as to how genetic information should be read immediately after mitosis. We have found that a protein called RBPJ, which plays pivotal roles in regulating cell-fate choices, is retained on mitotic chromatin. RBPJ transmits to DNA signals elicited by the Notch pathway: a pathway that conveys information resulting from the communication between two adjacent cells. Unlike many other factors, we found that RBPJ can bind to nucleosomes, which are the basic unit of packaged DNA consisting of DNA wrapped around eight histone proteins. We also found that RBPJ interacts with and binds to DNA sites regulated by the CTCF protein, which plays important roles in regulating long-range DNA interactions. Together, our results suggest that RBPJ can function as a mitotic bookmarking factor, to help maintain genetic programs, higher-order structural information and consequently the memory of cell identity through cell division.


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