A Time for Global Action: Addressing Girls’ Menstrual Hygiene Management Needs in Schools
Marni Sommer and colleagues reflect on priorities needed to guide global, national, and local action to address girls' menstrual hygiene management needs in schools.
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A Time for Global Action: Addressing Girls’ Menstrual Hygiene Management Needs in Schools. PLoS Med 13(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001962
Health in Action
Marni Sommer and colleagues reflect on priorities needed to guide global, national, and local action to address girls' menstrual hygiene management needs in schools.
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21. Fehr A (2011) Stress, menstruation and school attendance: effects of water access among adolescent girls in south Gondar, Ethiopia. Atlanta, GA: Emory University.
22. Sommer M, Ackatia-Armah T (2012) The gendered nature of schooling in Ghana: hurdles to girls' menstrual management in school JENdA 20: 63–79.
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26. Oruko K, Nyothach E, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Mason L, Alexander K, Vulule J, et al. (2015) 'He is the one who is providing you with everything so whatever he says is what you do': A Qualitative Study on Factors Affecting Secondary Schoolgirls' Dropout in Rural Western Kenya. PLoS ONE 10: e0144321. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0144321 26636771
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31. Sommer M, Cherenack E, Blake S, Sahin M, Burgers L (2015) WASH in Schools Empowers Girls' Education: Proceedings of the Menstrual Hygiene Management in Schools Virtual Conference 2014. New York, USA: United Nations Children's Fund and Colombia University.
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35. Mason L, Laserson K, Oruko K, Nyothach E, Alexander K, Odhiambo F, et al. (2015) Adolescent schoolgirls’ experiences of menstrual cups and pads in rural western Kenya: a qualitative study. Waterlines 34: 15–30.
36. Kerubo E, Laserson K, Otecko N, Odhiambo C, Mason L, Nyothach E, et al. (2016) Prevalence of reproductive tract infections and the predictive value of girls’ symptom-based reporting: findings from a cross sectional survey in rural western Kenya. jSTI (in press).
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42. Sommer M (2011) An overlooked priority: puberty in sub-Saharan Africa. Am J Public Health 101: 979–981. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2010.300092 21493937
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44. UNICEF (2014) MHM in Ten: advancing the MHM in WASH in Schools agenda. New York: UNICEF and Columbia University.
45. Phillips-Howard P, Caruso B, Torondel B, C C, Sahin M, Sommer M (2015) Menstrual Hygiene Management for Adolescent girls: Priorities and call for a research consortia (Concept Note).
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