Risk of Injurious Fall and Hip Fracture up to 26 y before the Diagnosis of Parkinson Disease: Nested Case–Control Studies in a Nationwide Cohort
In two nested case-control studies using data from a nationwide cohort, Peter Nordström and colleagues assess the risk of injurious fall and hip fracture up to 26 years before the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.
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Risk of Injurious Fall and Hip Fracture up to 26 y before the Diagnosis of Parkinson Disease: Nested Case–Control Studies in a Nationwide Cohort. PLoS Med 13(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001954
Research Article
In two nested case-control studies using data from a nationwide cohort, Peter Nordström and colleagues assess the risk of injurious fall and hip fracture up to 26 years before the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.
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