Measuring Burden of Unhealthy Behaviours Using a Multivariable Predictive Approach: Life Expectancy Lost in Canada Attributable to Smoking, Alcohol, Physical Inactivity, and Diet
To address limitations of commonly used burden-of-disease measurement approaches, Douglas G. Manuel and colleagues develop, validate, and apply a multivariable predictive model for all-cause death attributable to unhealthy behaviors.
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Measuring Burden of Unhealthy Behaviours Using a Multivariable Predictive Approach: Life Expectancy Lost in Canada Attributable to Smoking, Alcohol, Physical Inactivity, and Diet. PLoS Med 13(8): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002082
Research Article
To address limitations of commonly used burden-of-disease measurement approaches, Douglas G. Manuel and colleagues develop, validate, and apply a multivariable predictive model for all-cause death attributable to unhealthy behaviors.
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