Structural and Functional Characterization of Anti-A33 Antibodies Reveal a Potent Cross-Species Orthopoxviruses Neutralizer
Before the eradication of smallpox (variola virus) from nature, hundreds of million of people succumbed to the infection. The discovery of vaccinia virus (VACV), the active ingredient of the smallpox vaccine, ultimately led to the eradiation of smallpox from the human population. Vaccination with VACV leads to a strong antibody response that protects against variola virus. As the protective antibodies recognize viral proteins that are highly similar in sequence between the different orthopox strains, such as A33 used in this study, several antibodies have the capacity to neutralize a larger breath of orthopx viruses. In this study we have identified an anti-A33 antibody from a larger panel that exhibits a unique binding mode to A33. This antibody, A27D7, is also resistant to single amino acid changes throughout the protein and binds to engineered A33 variants that mimic ectromelia and orthopox A33 in the antibody-binding site. As the antibody further protects against ectromelia infection of mice, this antibody appears to be a potent orthopox cross-species protective antibody with therapeutic potential.
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Structural and Functional Characterization of Anti-A33 Antibodies Reveal a Potent Cross-Species Orthopoxviruses Neutralizer. PLoS Pathog 11(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005148
Research Article
Before the eradication of smallpox (variola virus) from nature, hundreds of million of people succumbed to the infection. The discovery of vaccinia virus (VACV), the active ingredient of the smallpox vaccine, ultimately led to the eradiation of smallpox from the human population. Vaccination with VACV leads to a strong antibody response that protects against variola virus. As the protective antibodies recognize viral proteins that are highly similar in sequence between the different orthopox strains, such as A33 used in this study, several antibodies have the capacity to neutralize a larger breath of orthopx viruses. In this study we have identified an anti-A33 antibody from a larger panel that exhibits a unique binding mode to A33. This antibody, A27D7, is also resistant to single amino acid changes throughout the protein and binds to engineered A33 variants that mimic ectromelia and orthopox A33 in the antibody-binding site. As the antibody further protects against ectromelia infection of mice, this antibody appears to be a potent orthopox cross-species protective antibody with therapeutic potential.
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