A Clinical Approach to Computed Tomography in Acute Cerebral Ischemia
V. Rohan 1; P. Ševčík 1; J. Polívka 1; Z. Ambler 1; B. Kreuzberg 2; J. Ferda 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologická klinika LF UK a FN Plzeň
1; Radiodiagnostická klinika LF UK a FN Plzeň
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2007; 70/103(6): 643-652
Review Article
Práce podpořena VZ MŠM 00 21620816.
Progress in reperfusion methods of treatment of acute cerebral ischemia has been reflected in the growing importance of imaging methods in the selection of patients profiting from the treatment. Unenhanced computed tomography brain imaging without the administration of the contrast substance is a standard examination procedure today in patients with cerebrovascular accident. Progress in computed tomography in recent years has allowed for its use for relatively thorough examination of the cerebral venous bed and of perfusion comparable with other imaging methods. The article provides basic theoretical and practical information important for correct interpretation of the results of such examination. With the knowledge of the potential and limits of the method, multimodal computed tomography can become a valuable tool and assistance to the clinician and a method of choice for patients with acute cerebrovascular accident thanks to its availability, safety and simplicity of performance.
Key words:
acute cerebral ischemia – computed tomography – brain perfusion – perfusion computed tomography – computed tomography angiography
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