
Authors: J. Marková
Authors place of work: Neurologická klinika IPVZ a FTNsP, Praha
Published in the journal: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2009; 72/105(3): 207-215
Category: Minimonography


Migraine is one of the primary forms of he adache. Migraine affects a significant part of the populati on; in adult age more women than men suffer from migraine. Migraine is not a life thre atening dise ase, but it can significantly disturb pati ents’ lives as an attack can unexpectedly restrict all daily life activiti es. The definiti on of migraine types can be fo und in the IHS (Internati onal He adache Soci ety) classificati on. The ca usality of migraine is not yet completely understo od, a dispositi on for migraine is probably genetically given. The progressi on of a migraine attack is fuelled by hypersensitivity of the trigeminovascular system, which contributes to the development of sterile inflammati on aro und small arteri oles. A nociceptive signalisati on spre ads from this regi on to sub‑cortical and cortical brain centres, where appreci ati on of pain happens. Nowadays, we can achi eve go od tre atment results in migraine pati ents. We can not only influence an acute migraine attack but also decre ase the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks by prophylactic tre atment. Analgetics, non‑stero idal anti‑inflammatory drugs, ergotamine derivates and triptans are the most frequently used drugs for acute tre atment. In prophylactic tre atment, anti epileptics, antidepressants, beta blockers, calci um channel blockers and magnesi um can be used. The go al of the prophylaxis is at le ast a 50% reducti on in the intensity and frequency of attacks. A change in lifestyle/ life regimen can in some cases bring reli ef for migraine pati ents.

Key words:
migraine –  menstru al migraine –  classificati on –  pathophysi ology –  di agnosis –  therapy


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