Current options for active immunization of HIV infected patients
D. Jilich 1,2; L. Machala 1; M. Staňková 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Karlova, Praha
1. lékařská fakulta
; Klinika infekčních nemocí, FN Na Bulovce, Praha
Primářka: MUDr. Hana Roháčová, Ph. D.
1; III. klinika infekčních a tropických nemocí
Přednosta: doc. MUDr. Michal Holub, Ph. D.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2008; 88(11): 649-651
Of different specialties
Due to their immunodeficiency, HIV positive patients are at greater risk from many infections, including the preventable ones. Vaccination is the most effective means of protection. However the physician’s attitude to the vaccination of immunocompromised patients needs to be very specific. The effectiveness of vaccination correlates strongly with actual immunological status. The use of live vaccines is mostly not indicated because of the potentional risk. Vaccination is relatively safe, including some live vaccines, in persons with CD4+ T cells > 500/μμl.
Key words:
HIV, prevention, vaccination, safety, efficacy.
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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