Pernicious anemia
L. Raida
Authors‘ workplace:
Přednosta: Prof. MUDr. Karel Indrák, DrSc.
; Hemato-onkologická klinika Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Palackého a Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2008; 88(7): 380-384
Various Specialization
Pernicious anemia is one of the megaloblastic anemias caused by cobalamin deficiency. However, unlike the other anemias developed due to a long-lasting cobalamin insufficient diet or consumption, this disease is absolutely specific because of its autoimmune pathogenesis. The correct diagnosis of pernicious anemia is usually determined later because of the fact that neurological and other unspecified symptoms (including possible symptoms of accompanied autoimmune disease) have frequently preceded the manifestation of anemic syndrome. It can play an important role. The changes already developed in the nervous system may have become irreversible if the diagnosis was set at the time of severe anemia development even in spite of following sufficient vitamin B12 substitution. The possible association of pernicious anemia with another autoimmune disease should never be omitted in clinical practice.
Key words:
pernicious anemia, atrophic gastritis, intrinsic factor, cobalamin, autoimmune disease, gastric carcinoma.
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