V.A.C. therapy in the treatment of soft-tissue defects
P. Dráč; J. Fialová; B. Zálešák; M. Molitor; Z. Mrozek; P. Sedlák
Authors‘ workplace:
Primář: doc. MUDr. Igor Čižmář, Ph. D.
; Traumatologické oddělení FN Olomouc
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2008; 88(7): 413-416
Case Report
V.A.C. (vacuum assisted closure) is a new treatment method for problematic wound management, including for the soft-tissue damage of open fractures. It works on the principle of the creation of negative pressure in the wound. The negative pressure continuosly removes the interstitial fluid, reduces bacterial colonization and allows for the rapid formation of granulation tissue. This substantially reduces the time needed for granulating bed preparation for definitive wound coverage and the overall treatment time.
Key words:
V.A.C. therapy, open fractures, soft-tissue defect, wound healing.
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