Basic biological roles of galectins in tissue repair and tumor growth
Peter Gál 1,2,3; Lenka Varinská 3; Vlasta Peržeľová 3,4; Ján Jakubčo 1; Martina Kostelníková 1; Ivan Kováč 5; Peter Spurný 1; Karel Smetana ml. 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Východoslovenský ústav srdcových a cievnych chorôb, a. s., Košice, SR
1; Anatomický ústav 1. LF UK, Praha
2; Ústav farmakológie, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, Košice, SR
3; Ústav patologickej anatómie, Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie, Košice, SR
4; II. chirurgická klinika, Univerzitná nemocnica Louisa Pasteura a UPJŠ, Košice, SR
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2014; 153: 231-237
Review Article
Galectins are representatives of endogenous lectins – molecules specifically recognizing distinct sugar motifs. They play an important role in the processes of cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and extracellular matrix formation. Furthermore, galectins are able to transfer cellular signals and to participate in intercellular interaction. It has been proven that galectins play an important role in the formation of tumor and/or wound healing microenvironment. This review contains an overview of experimental and clinical studies dealing with biological roles of galectins in tissue repair and in its parallel – the tumor growth.
lectin – wound healing – proliferation; differentiation – extracellular matrix
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