LANA Binds to Multiple Active Viral and Cellular Promoters and Associates with the H3K4Methyltransferase hSET1 Complex

KSHV is a DNA tumor virus which is associated with Kaposi's sarcoma and some lymphoproliferative diseases. During latent infection, the viral genome persists as circular extrachromosomal DNA in the nucleus and expresses a very limited number of viral proteins, including LANA, a multi-functional protein. KSHV viral episomes, like host genomic DNA, are subject to chromatin formation and histone modifications which contribute to tightly controlled gene expression during latency. We determined where LANA binds on the KSHV and human genomes, and mapped activating and repressing histone marks and RNA polymerase II binding. We found that LANA bound near transcription start sites, and binding correlated with the transcription active mark H3K4me3, but not silencing mark H3K27me3. Binding sites for transcription factors including znf143, CTCF, and Stat1 are enriched at regions where LANA is bound. We identified some LANA binding sites near human gene promoters that resembled KSHV sequences known to bind LANA. We also found a novel motif that occurs frequently in the human genome and that binds LANA directly despite being different from known LANA-binding sequences. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LANA associates with the H3K4 methyltransferase hSET1 which creates activating histone marks.

Vyšlo v časopise: LANA Binds to Multiple Active Viral and Cellular Promoters and Associates with the H3K4Methyltransferase hSET1 Complex. PLoS Pathog 10(7): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004240
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004240


KSHV is a DNA tumor virus which is associated with Kaposi's sarcoma and some lymphoproliferative diseases. During latent infection, the viral genome persists as circular extrachromosomal DNA in the nucleus and expresses a very limited number of viral proteins, including LANA, a multi-functional protein. KSHV viral episomes, like host genomic DNA, are subject to chromatin formation and histone modifications which contribute to tightly controlled gene expression during latency. We determined where LANA binds on the KSHV and human genomes, and mapped activating and repressing histone marks and RNA polymerase II binding. We found that LANA bound near transcription start sites, and binding correlated with the transcription active mark H3K4me3, but not silencing mark H3K27me3. Binding sites for transcription factors including znf143, CTCF, and Stat1 are enriched at regions where LANA is bound. We identified some LANA binding sites near human gene promoters that resembled KSHV sequences known to bind LANA. We also found a novel motif that occurs frequently in the human genome and that binds LANA directly despite being different from known LANA-binding sequences. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LANA associates with the H3K4 methyltransferase hSET1 which creates activating histone marks.


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