Nanoformulations of Rilpivirine for Topical Pericoital and Systemic Coitus-Independent Administration Efficiently Prevent HIV Transmission

When taken consistently, PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to 92% in people who are at high risk. However, PrEP is much less effective if it is not taken consistently. To improve adherence to the drug regimen, several new drug delivery systems, that include novel gel formulations and long-acting delivery systems, are being evaluated. In this manuscript, we used BLT humanized mice, an in vivo model of vaginal HIV transmission, to evaluate two novel delivery systems for HIV prevention. In the first approach, we combined the highly efficient encapsulation of antiretroviral drugs into nanoparticles with a thermosensitive gel that remains liquid at room temperature and solidifies at body temperature. Our results showed that this delivery system provided significant protection from HIV vaginal infection. In a second approach, we evaluated a long-acting nanoparticle formulation for coitus-independent protection from HIV acquisition. Our results showed that a single injection of the long-acting antiviral drug also resulted in reduced HIV infection. However, protection was not complete and transmission was concealed by a significant delay in the onset of plasma viremia that could result in superinfection by two different viruses administered up to four weeks apart.

Vyšlo v časopise: Nanoformulations of Rilpivirine for Topical Pericoital and Systemic Coitus-Independent Administration Efficiently Prevent HIV Transmission. PLoS Pathog 11(8): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005075
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005075


When taken consistently, PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to 92% in people who are at high risk. However, PrEP is much less effective if it is not taken consistently. To improve adherence to the drug regimen, several new drug delivery systems, that include novel gel formulations and long-acting delivery systems, are being evaluated. In this manuscript, we used BLT humanized mice, an in vivo model of vaginal HIV transmission, to evaluate two novel delivery systems for HIV prevention. In the first approach, we combined the highly efficient encapsulation of antiretroviral drugs into nanoparticles with a thermosensitive gel that remains liquid at room temperature and solidifies at body temperature. Our results showed that this delivery system provided significant protection from HIV vaginal infection. In a second approach, we evaluated a long-acting nanoparticle formulation for coitus-independent protection from HIV acquisition. Our results showed that a single injection of the long-acting antiviral drug also resulted in reduced HIV infection. However, protection was not complete and transmission was concealed by a significant delay in the onset of plasma viremia that could result in superinfection by two different viruses administered up to four weeks apart.


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