Hypertensive disease and heart rate
M. Souček; J. Nevrlka
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2008, 10(4): 156-158
High blo od pressure is a significant and independent factor of cardi ovascular morbidity and mortality, but there is also a link between resting he art rate (HR) and mortality which is well documented in both he althy pe ople and in pati ents with hypertensi on, he art failure, non‑fatal myocardi al infarcti on, metabolic syndrome, and in old pe ople. Resting tachycardi a is also one of the factors reducing lifespan. Therefore it appe ars re asonable to reduce both he art rate and myocardi al oxygen consumpti on. Nevertheless, incre ased resting HR is not yet considered a significant risk factor for cardi ovascular dise ases. This is so beca use there are no prospective studi es showing that selective reducti on of HR in non‑cardi ovascular pati ents improves their prognosis. What is, then, the relati on between hypertensi on and he art rate? Beta blockers or calci um channel blockers (verapamil, dilti azem) are currently the most frequently used medicati on for pharmacological control of he art rate. Now we have a new drug which selectively inhibits lf channels localised in the sino atri al node of the he art and significantly reduces he art rate.
Key words:
resting he art rate – hypertensive dise ase – sympathetic activity – cardi ovascular morbidity and mortality – he art rate reducing drugs
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2008 Issue 4
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