Thrombolytic therapy of cerebral infarction

Authors: D. Goldemund;  R. Mikulík;  M. Reif
Published in the journal: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2008, 10(4): 168-176


The purpose of thrombolytic therapy is to recanalize the cerebral vessel occluded by a thrombus or an embolus. According to applicable guidelines, the standard therapy of acute cerebral infarcti on consists in intraveno us thrombolysis within three ho urs from the occurrence of the vascular event. Current rese arch is focused on the selecti on of candidates who are still suitable for thrombolysis after the expirati on of the three- ho ur peri od, and on incre asing the percentage of recanalizati ons (enhanced thrombolysis, interventi on techniques). The a uthors present new results of the ECASS III study which justify the extensi on of the therape utic window to 4.5 ho urs from the occurrence of symptoms.

Key words:
acute cerebral infarction – systemic thrombolysis – combined thrombolysis – ECASS III


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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery Cardiology
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