The current situation in the diagnosis and treatment of lower‑limb ischemia
E. Maděrová
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2008, 10(4): 177-182
Peripheral arterial obstructive disease (PAOD) refers to the class of cardiovascular diseases that are the main ca use of mortality in developed countri es. As atherosclerosis is the ca use in almost 98 %, PAOD is considered to be the marker of the general cardiovascular risk. The pitfall of this disease lies in the fact that it remains unrecognized in the majority of our patients and that is why it remains without appropriate treatment for a long time. The goal of our therapeutic approach is to reduce general cardiovascular risk and improve the quality of life of our pati ents. The underestimated part of our treatment is regular exercise training, which is as effective as modern revascularisation techniques in the intermediate stages of the disease. Patients with severe forms of ischemi a should be treated urgently, preferably in speci alized vascular centres, which are equipped to use all modern revascularisation methods.
Key words:
peripheral arteri al obstructive disease – atherosclerosis – early di agnosis – exercise training – pharmacotherapy – therapeutic vasculogenesis – revascularisation – vascular centres
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

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