J. Špác
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2008, 10(4): 153-155
In the ACCOMPLISH study, a high percentage of pati ents with hypertensi on and cardi ovascular or renal damage re ached blo od pressure target values with a therapy combining an ACE inhibitor and a calci um channel blocker (CBB), which reflected in a lower incidence of both fatal and non‑fatal cardi ovascular events. The results of the study support the use of combinati on ACE inhibitor and CBB therapy in initi al tre atment in high‑risk pati ents with hypertensi on.
Key words:
combinati on therapy of hypertensi on – ACE inhibitors – calci um channel blockers
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5. Bertrand M, Sever P. Synergistic effect of perindopril and calci um channel blockers in preventi on of cardi ac events and de ath in coronary artery dise ase pati ents – analysis from the EUROPA study. Clinical Tri al Update II. [http://www.escardi– reports/Pages/3267– 3268– bertrand- sever.aspx].
Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2008 Issue 4
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