A Simple Auxin Transcriptional Response System Regulates Multiple Morphogenetic Processes in the Liverwort
In flowering plants it is hypothesized the complexity and the robustness of the auxin transcriptional response could be generated by a large number of paralogs encoding components of this signaling network. Yet, it is not known whether alternative embryophyte body plans can be patterned with a simpler auxin transcriptional machinery. We demonstrate that in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, the type rather than the number of components of the auxin transcriptional response pathway are sufficient to pattern a complex three-dimensional gametophyte with multiple tissue and cell types. In M. polymorpha, mutations in components of the auxin signaling pathway cause dramatic pleiotropic effects despite having a single class A activating AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (MpARF1). This supports the hypothesis that auxin is context dependent and that it facilitates rather than specifies particular developmental processes. We show that auxin signaling is not necessary for survival but it is required to pattern the transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional growth. This suggests that the evolution of the auxin transcriptional response was critical for the evolution of developmental complexity in land plants.
Vyšlo v časopise:
A Simple Auxin Transcriptional Response System Regulates Multiple Morphogenetic Processes in the Liverwort. PLoS Genet 11(5): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005207
Research Article
In flowering plants it is hypothesized the complexity and the robustness of the auxin transcriptional response could be generated by a large number of paralogs encoding components of this signaling network. Yet, it is not known whether alternative embryophyte body plans can be patterned with a simpler auxin transcriptional machinery. We demonstrate that in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, the type rather than the number of components of the auxin transcriptional response pathway are sufficient to pattern a complex three-dimensional gametophyte with multiple tissue and cell types. In M. polymorpha, mutations in components of the auxin signaling pathway cause dramatic pleiotropic effects despite having a single class A activating AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (MpARF1). This supports the hypothesis that auxin is context dependent and that it facilitates rather than specifies particular developmental processes. We show that auxin signaling is not necessary for survival but it is required to pattern the transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional growth. This suggests that the evolution of the auxin transcriptional response was critical for the evolution of developmental complexity in land plants.
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