Biological Significance of Photoreceptor Photocycle Length: VIVID Photocycle Governs the Dynamic VIVID-White Collar Complex Pool Mediating Photo-adaptation and Response to Changes in Light Intensity

Sensing light from the environment using a variety of photoreceptors is of great adaptive significance for most eukaryotes. A key feature of photoreceptors is the photocycle length, the time taken to decay from the initial signaling light state back to the receptive dark state; however, the significance of photocycle length, or adduct decay length, has not been tested in a biological setting. The photocycle length is determined by the chemical environment of the active site where a photon absorbing chromophore forms an adduct with a conserved amino acid. There is clear evidence of evolutionary selection for a particular photocycle length even between photoreceptors containing the same prototypic light-sensing domains suggesting functional relevance. Using defined in vitro mutations that change the photocycle length of the VIVID (VVD) protein over 4 orders of magnitude we were able to ascribe a pivotal role of the native photochemistry of the protein in its function as a photoreceptor in the light and circadian biology of Neurospora crassa. This study links in vitro photochemical studies with in vivo function and provides evidence that the true evolutionary and functional significance of native photochemistry of photoreceptors can be enhanced by studying photocycle mutants in their native systems.

Vyšlo v časopise: Biological Significance of Photoreceptor Photocycle Length: VIVID Photocycle Governs the Dynamic VIVID-White Collar Complex Pool Mediating Photo-adaptation and Response to Changes in Light Intensity. PLoS Genet 11(5): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005215
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005215


Sensing light from the environment using a variety of photoreceptors is of great adaptive significance for most eukaryotes. A key feature of photoreceptors is the photocycle length, the time taken to decay from the initial signaling light state back to the receptive dark state; however, the significance of photocycle length, or adduct decay length, has not been tested in a biological setting. The photocycle length is determined by the chemical environment of the active site where a photon absorbing chromophore forms an adduct with a conserved amino acid. There is clear evidence of evolutionary selection for a particular photocycle length even between photoreceptors containing the same prototypic light-sensing domains suggesting functional relevance. Using defined in vitro mutations that change the photocycle length of the VIVID (VVD) protein over 4 orders of magnitude we were able to ascribe a pivotal role of the native photochemistry of the protein in its function as a photoreceptor in the light and circadian biology of Neurospora crassa. This study links in vitro photochemical studies with in vivo function and provides evidence that the true evolutionary and functional significance of native photochemistry of photoreceptors can be enhanced by studying photocycle mutants in their native systems.


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