Contact- and Protein Transfer-Dependent Stimulation of Assembly of the Gliding Motility Machinery in

Motility facilitates a wide variety of processes such as virulence, biofilm formation and development in bacteria. Bacteria have evolved at least three mechanisms for motility on surfaces: swarming motility, twitching motility and gliding motility. Mechanistically, gliding motility is poorly understood. Here, we focused on four proteins in Myxococcus xanthus that are essential for gliding. We show that CglC is an outer membrane (OM) lipoprotein, GltB and GltA are integral OM β-barrel proteins, and GltC is a soluble periplasmic protein. GltB, GltA and GltC are components of the gliding motility complex, and CglC likely stimulates the integration of GltB and GltA into the OM. Moreover, CglC, in a cell-cell contact-dependent manner, can be transferred from a cglC+ donor to a ΔcglC mutant leading to stimulation of gliding motility in the recipient. We show that upon physical transfer of CglC, CglC stimulates the assembly of the gliding motility complex in the recipient. The data presented here adds to the growing list of cell-cell contact-dependent activities in bacteria by demonstrating that gliding motility can be stimulated in a contact-dependent manner by transfer of a protein that stimulates assembly of the gliding motility complexes.

Vyšlo v časopise: Contact- and Protein Transfer-Dependent Stimulation of Assembly of the Gliding Motility Machinery in. PLoS Genet 11(7): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005341
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005341


Motility facilitates a wide variety of processes such as virulence, biofilm formation and development in bacteria. Bacteria have evolved at least three mechanisms for motility on surfaces: swarming motility, twitching motility and gliding motility. Mechanistically, gliding motility is poorly understood. Here, we focused on four proteins in Myxococcus xanthus that are essential for gliding. We show that CglC is an outer membrane (OM) lipoprotein, GltB and GltA are integral OM β-barrel proteins, and GltC is a soluble periplasmic protein. GltB, GltA and GltC are components of the gliding motility complex, and CglC likely stimulates the integration of GltB and GltA into the OM. Moreover, CglC, in a cell-cell contact-dependent manner, can be transferred from a cglC+ donor to a ΔcglC mutant leading to stimulation of gliding motility in the recipient. We show that upon physical transfer of CglC, CglC stimulates the assembly of the gliding motility complex in the recipient. The data presented here adds to the growing list of cell-cell contact-dependent activities in bacteria by demonstrating that gliding motility can be stimulated in a contact-dependent manner by transfer of a protein that stimulates assembly of the gliding motility complexes.


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