AAA-ATPase FIDGETIN-LIKE 1 and Helicase FANCM Antagonize Meiotic Crossovers by Distinct Mechanisms

Sexually reproducing species produce offspring that are genetically unique from one another, despite having the same parents. This uniqueness is created by meiosis, which is a specialized cell division. After meiosis each parent transmits half of their DNA, but each time this occurs, the 'half portion' of DNA transmitted to offspring is different from the previous. The differences are due to resorting the parental chromosomes, but also recombining them. Here we describe a gene—FIDGETIN-LIKE 1—which limits the amount of recombination that occurs during meiosis. Previously we identified a gene with a similar function, FANCM. FIGL1 and FANCM operate through distinct mechanisms. This discovery will be useful to understand more, from an evolutionary perspective, why recombination is naturally limited. Also this has potentially significant applications for plant breeding which is largely about sampling many 'recombinants' to find individuals that have heritable advantages compared to their parents.

Vyšlo v časopise: AAA-ATPase FIDGETIN-LIKE 1 and Helicase FANCM Antagonize Meiotic Crossovers by Distinct Mechanisms. PLoS Genet 11(7): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005369
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005369


Sexually reproducing species produce offspring that are genetically unique from one another, despite having the same parents. This uniqueness is created by meiosis, which is a specialized cell division. After meiosis each parent transmits half of their DNA, but each time this occurs, the 'half portion' of DNA transmitted to offspring is different from the previous. The differences are due to resorting the parental chromosomes, but also recombining them. Here we describe a gene—FIDGETIN-LIKE 1—which limits the amount of recombination that occurs during meiosis. Previously we identified a gene with a similar function, FANCM. FIGL1 and FANCM operate through distinct mechanisms. This discovery will be useful to understand more, from an evolutionary perspective, why recombination is naturally limited. Also this has potentially significant applications for plant breeding which is largely about sampling many 'recombinants' to find individuals that have heritable advantages compared to their parents.


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