The Relationship between Host Lifespan and Pathogen Reservoir Potential: An Analysis in the System

Understanding pathogen emergence is a major goal of pathology, because of the high impact of emerging diseases. Pathogens emerge onto a new host from a reservoir, hence the relevance of identifying the determinants of host's reservoir potential. Host lifespan is considered as one such determinant: short-lived hosts will invest less in defenses, being more susceptible to infection, more competent as infection sources and/or will sustain larger vector populations, and thus, are effective reservoirs for long-lived host infection. Evidence for this hypothesis derives from analyses of different hosts of multihost pathogens, and here we examine whether it holds at the within-species level by comparing two genotypes of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana that differ in life-span and in tolerance to its natural pathogen Cucumber mosaic virus. Experiments showed that defenses to the virus and its aphid vector were less efficient in the short-lived genotype that, according to model simulations, was an effective reservoir under a large range of conditions. Reservoir potential, though, was modulated by the demography of host and vector and by the genetic composition of the host population. Thus, within-species genetic diversity for lifespan and pathogen defense will result in differences in reservoir potential, which will condition infection dynamics and host-pathogen co-evolution.

Vyšlo v časopise: The Relationship between Host Lifespan and Pathogen Reservoir Potential: An Analysis in the System. PLoS Pathog 10(11): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004492
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004492


Understanding pathogen emergence is a major goal of pathology, because of the high impact of emerging diseases. Pathogens emerge onto a new host from a reservoir, hence the relevance of identifying the determinants of host's reservoir potential. Host lifespan is considered as one such determinant: short-lived hosts will invest less in defenses, being more susceptible to infection, more competent as infection sources and/or will sustain larger vector populations, and thus, are effective reservoirs for long-lived host infection. Evidence for this hypothesis derives from analyses of different hosts of multihost pathogens, and here we examine whether it holds at the within-species level by comparing two genotypes of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana that differ in life-span and in tolerance to its natural pathogen Cucumber mosaic virus. Experiments showed that defenses to the virus and its aphid vector were less efficient in the short-lived genotype that, according to model simulations, was an effective reservoir under a large range of conditions. Reservoir potential, though, was modulated by the demography of host and vector and by the genetic composition of the host population. Thus, within-species genetic diversity for lifespan and pathogen defense will result in differences in reservoir potential, which will condition infection dynamics and host-pathogen co-evolution.


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