Cross-Species Transmission and Differential Fate of an Endogenous Retrovirus in Three Mammal Lineages

The cross-species transmission of viruses poses a continuous threat to public health. Bats are increasingly recognized as a major reservoir for zoonotic RNA viruses, including rabies, Ebola, and possibly MERS, but little is known about their capacity to harbor and transmit retroviruses. Here we investigated past incidents of cross-species transmission involving bat retroviruses, by screening for the presence of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) previously identified in the genome of the little brown bat in more than 100 diverse mammal species. This screen revealed an intriguing case of a gammaretrovirus that independently infiltrated the germ line of species belonging to three mammalian orders: vesper bat, felid cat and pangolin. We found that the ERV initiated its genomic invasion of the three lineages around the same timeframe ~13–25 million years ago, but experienced a different fate in each lineage. In the pangolin lineage, the ERV’s genomic propagation stalled shortly after endogenization, while it amplified continuously throughout felid and vesper bat evolution to generate hundreds of species-specific insertions in each lineage. Furthermore, in the cat lineage genomic amplification appears to have occurred predominantly via retrotransposition; while in bats the ERV has expanded via a mixture of retrotransposition and reinfection activity that may still be ongoing.

Vyšlo v časopise: Cross-Species Transmission and Differential Fate of an Endogenous Retrovirus in Three Mammal Lineages. PLoS Pathog 11(11): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005279
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005279


The cross-species transmission of viruses poses a continuous threat to public health. Bats are increasingly recognized as a major reservoir for zoonotic RNA viruses, including rabies, Ebola, and possibly MERS, but little is known about their capacity to harbor and transmit retroviruses. Here we investigated past incidents of cross-species transmission involving bat retroviruses, by screening for the presence of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) previously identified in the genome of the little brown bat in more than 100 diverse mammal species. This screen revealed an intriguing case of a gammaretrovirus that independently infiltrated the germ line of species belonging to three mammalian orders: vesper bat, felid cat and pangolin. We found that the ERV initiated its genomic invasion of the three lineages around the same timeframe ~13–25 million years ago, but experienced a different fate in each lineage. In the pangolin lineage, the ERV’s genomic propagation stalled shortly after endogenization, while it amplified continuously throughout felid and vesper bat evolution to generate hundreds of species-specific insertions in each lineage. Furthermore, in the cat lineage genomic amplification appears to have occurred predominantly via retrotransposition; while in bats the ERV has expanded via a mixture of retrotransposition and reinfection activity that may still be ongoing.


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