Neutral Sphingomyelinase in Physiological and Measles Virus Induced T Cell Suppression

Though the ability of measles virus (MV) to impair T cell activation has long been known, it is mechanistically not well understood. We have shown earlier that MV can contact dependently trigger activation of sphingomyelinases which is known to affect compartmentalization of membrane lipids and proteins. Because these are particularly important in the activity of the immune synapse (IS), we investigated whether MV-induced sphingomyelinase activity would interfere at that level with T cell activation. Our study for the first time revealed that the neutral sphingomyelinase 2 (NSM2) is transiently activated in primary T cells by co-stimulation through CD3 and CD28, and that this does occur to dampen early T cell responses. The virus appears to exploit this inhibitory activity of the enzyme to suppress T cell activation by promoting an enhanced and prolonged NSM2 activation. These findings do not only assign a hitherto novel role of the NSM2 in regulating T cell responses, but also reveal a novel strategy for viral T cell suppression.

Vyšlo v časopise: Neutral Sphingomyelinase in Physiological and Measles Virus Induced T Cell Suppression. PLoS Pathog 10(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004574
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004574


Though the ability of measles virus (MV) to impair T cell activation has long been known, it is mechanistically not well understood. We have shown earlier that MV can contact dependently trigger activation of sphingomyelinases which is known to affect compartmentalization of membrane lipids and proteins. Because these are particularly important in the activity of the immune synapse (IS), we investigated whether MV-induced sphingomyelinase activity would interfere at that level with T cell activation. Our study for the first time revealed that the neutral sphingomyelinase 2 (NSM2) is transiently activated in primary T cells by co-stimulation through CD3 and CD28, and that this does occur to dampen early T cell responses. The virus appears to exploit this inhibitory activity of the enzyme to suppress T cell activation by promoting an enhanced and prolonged NSM2 activation. These findings do not only assign a hitherto novel role of the NSM2 in regulating T cell responses, but also reveal a novel strategy for viral T cell suppression.


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