Specific Dysregulation of IFNγ Production by Natural Killer Cells Confers Susceptibility to Viral Infection

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus that largely infects the human population leading to a significant cause of disease and death in the immunocompromised and elderly. The study of CMV in animal models has helped understand the pathogenic consequences of CMV infection and adds substantial understanding of the complex interplay of host and virus in living systems. Natural Killer (NK) cells have emerged as an important player during CMV infection trough their specific recognition of viral particles determinants and subsequent secretion of cytokines and cytolytic granules. In the present study, we have generated different mouse models to specifically investigate quantify viral recognition and cytokine expression by NK cells during CMV infection as a measure of NK cell function. We found that even after proper recognition of infected cells by NK cells, the adequate production of IFNγ is crucial to restrain viral infection. Moreover, we demonstrated that IFNγ production by NK cells is genetically determined and directly linked to the IFNγ locus. Hence, we provide the first evidence for of a unique mechanism of IFNγ production by NK cells which regulates susceptibility to viral infection.

Vyšlo v časopise: Specific Dysregulation of IFNγ Production by Natural Killer Cells Confers Susceptibility to Viral Infection. PLoS Pathog 10(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004511
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004511


Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus that largely infects the human population leading to a significant cause of disease and death in the immunocompromised and elderly. The study of CMV in animal models has helped understand the pathogenic consequences of CMV infection and adds substantial understanding of the complex interplay of host and virus in living systems. Natural Killer (NK) cells have emerged as an important player during CMV infection trough their specific recognition of viral particles determinants and subsequent secretion of cytokines and cytolytic granules. In the present study, we have generated different mouse models to specifically investigate quantify viral recognition and cytokine expression by NK cells during CMV infection as a measure of NK cell function. We found that even after proper recognition of infected cells by NK cells, the adequate production of IFNγ is crucial to restrain viral infection. Moreover, we demonstrated that IFNγ production by NK cells is genetically determined and directly linked to the IFNγ locus. Hence, we provide the first evidence for of a unique mechanism of IFNγ production by NK cells which regulates susceptibility to viral infection.


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