An Immunomics Approach to Schistosome Antigen Discovery: Antibody Signatures of Naturally Resistant and Chronically Infected Individuals from Endemic Areas

Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease that kills as many as 300,000 people each year. Mass drug administration is widely used to control schistosomiasis, but fails to prevent rapid reinfection in endemic areas. There is a desperate need for a prophylactic vaccine; however, very few candidates have been developed. Herein, we take advantage of recent advances in systems biology and longitudinal studies in schistosomiasis endemic areas to pilot an immunomics approach to the discovery of vaccine antigens. The emerging field of immunomics enables the determination of an “antibody signature” to a pathogen proteome for both resistant and susceptible individuals. We constructed the first protein microarray for a multi-cellular pathogen and probed it with sera from naturally resistant vs. susceptible individuals from a high transmission area in Northeastern Brazil. Using multi-dimensional cluster analysis, we showed that resistant individuals mounted a distinct and robust IgG1 antibody signature to a small set of newly discovered and well-characterized surface antigens in contrast to infected individuals. This antigen discovery strategy can lead to identification of several potentially protective and safe schistosomiasis vaccine antigens.

Vyšlo v časopise: An Immunomics Approach to Schistosome Antigen Discovery: Antibody Signatures of Naturally Resistant and Chronically Infected Individuals from Endemic Areas. PLoS Pathog 10(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004033
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004033


Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease that kills as many as 300,000 people each year. Mass drug administration is widely used to control schistosomiasis, but fails to prevent rapid reinfection in endemic areas. There is a desperate need for a prophylactic vaccine; however, very few candidates have been developed. Herein, we take advantage of recent advances in systems biology and longitudinal studies in schistosomiasis endemic areas to pilot an immunomics approach to the discovery of vaccine antigens. The emerging field of immunomics enables the determination of an “antibody signature” to a pathogen proteome for both resistant and susceptible individuals. We constructed the first protein microarray for a multi-cellular pathogen and probed it with sera from naturally resistant vs. susceptible individuals from a high transmission area in Northeastern Brazil. Using multi-dimensional cluster analysis, we showed that resistant individuals mounted a distinct and robust IgG1 antibody signature to a small set of newly discovered and well-characterized surface antigens in contrast to infected individuals. This antigen discovery strategy can lead to identification of several potentially protective and safe schistosomiasis vaccine antigens.


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