Two-Component System Cross-Regulation Integrates Response to Heme and Cell Envelope Stress

The vertebrate host is a hostile environment to microbes, where large variations in temperature, oxygen, and nutrient availability challenge microbial replication. In order to successfully infect vertebrates, pathogens must sense that they have entered their host and alter gene expression accordingly. One way bacteria adapt to their environment is by using two-component signaling systems (TCS), which are comprised of a signal sensor and a transcriptional regulator. The core signaling components of TCSs are conserved across the bacterial Kingdom; however, examples of interactions between two distinct TCS are extremely rare. Here we have probed how Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, adapts to life in the vertebrate host. The B. anthracis heme sensing TCS, HssRS, senses heme as a component of vertebrate blood and protects the bacteria from heme toxicity. We have identified a new TCS (HitRS), which is activated by compounds that alter the integrity of the cell envelope, and interacts with HssRS to coordinate a simultaneous response to both heme and cell envelope stress. This reciprocal HssRS-HitRS signaling is an unusual demonstration of bacterial signal cross-regulation and suggests that coordinating the response to heme and cell envelope stress is important for B. anthracis adaptation to the vertebrate host.

Vyšlo v časopise: Two-Component System Cross-Regulation Integrates Response to Heme and Cell Envelope Stress. PLoS Pathog 10(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004044
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004044


The vertebrate host is a hostile environment to microbes, where large variations in temperature, oxygen, and nutrient availability challenge microbial replication. In order to successfully infect vertebrates, pathogens must sense that they have entered their host and alter gene expression accordingly. One way bacteria adapt to their environment is by using two-component signaling systems (TCS), which are comprised of a signal sensor and a transcriptional regulator. The core signaling components of TCSs are conserved across the bacterial Kingdom; however, examples of interactions between two distinct TCS are extremely rare. Here we have probed how Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, adapts to life in the vertebrate host. The B. anthracis heme sensing TCS, HssRS, senses heme as a component of vertebrate blood and protects the bacteria from heme toxicity. We have identified a new TCS (HitRS), which is activated by compounds that alter the integrity of the cell envelope, and interacts with HssRS to coordinate a simultaneous response to both heme and cell envelope stress. This reciprocal HssRS-HitRS signaling is an unusual demonstration of bacterial signal cross-regulation and suggests that coordinating the response to heme and cell envelope stress is important for B. anthracis adaptation to the vertebrate host.


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