Expression in the Fat Body Is Required in the Defense Against Parasitic Wasps in
The events leading to a successful encapsulation of parasitoid wasp eggs in the larvae of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster are insufficiently understood. The formation of a capsule seals off the wasp egg, and this process is often functionally compared to the formation of granulomas in vertebrates. Like granuloma formation in humans, the encapsulation process in fruit flies requires the activation, mobilization, proliferation and differentiation of different blood cell types. Here, we have studied the role of Edin (elevated during infection) in the immune defense against the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi in Drosophila larvae. We demonstrate that edin expression in the fat body (an immune-responsive organ in Drosophila functionally resembling the mammalian liver) is required for a normal defense against wasp eggs. Edin is required for the release of blood cells from larval tissues and for the subsequent increase in circulating blood cell numbers. Our results provide new knowledge of how the encapsulation process is regulated in Drosophila, and how blood cells are activated upon wasp parasitism. Understanding of the encapsulation process in invertebrates may eventually lead to a better knowledge of the pathophysiology of granuloma formation in human diseases, such as tuberculosis.
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Expression in the Fat Body Is Required in the Defense Against Parasitic Wasps in. PLoS Pathog 11(5): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004895
Research Article
The events leading to a successful encapsulation of parasitoid wasp eggs in the larvae of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster are insufficiently understood. The formation of a capsule seals off the wasp egg, and this process is often functionally compared to the formation of granulomas in vertebrates. Like granuloma formation in humans, the encapsulation process in fruit flies requires the activation, mobilization, proliferation and differentiation of different blood cell types. Here, we have studied the role of Edin (elevated during infection) in the immune defense against the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi in Drosophila larvae. We demonstrate that edin expression in the fat body (an immune-responsive organ in Drosophila functionally resembling the mammalian liver) is required for a normal defense against wasp eggs. Edin is required for the release of blood cells from larval tissues and for the subsequent increase in circulating blood cell numbers. Our results provide new knowledge of how the encapsulation process is regulated in Drosophila, and how blood cells are activated upon wasp parasitism. Understanding of the encapsulation process in invertebrates may eventually lead to a better knowledge of the pathophysiology of granuloma formation in human diseases, such as tuberculosis.
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