Fob1 and Fob2 Proteins Are Virulence Determinants of via Facilitating Iron Uptake from Ferrioxamine

Deferoxamine is an iron-chelating agent often used to treat patients with acute iron poisoning, such as seen in dialysis patients with chronic renal failure. These patients are uniquely predisposed to a deadly fungal infection, called mucormycosis, because deferoxamine supplies iron that supports growth of fungi causing this infection. Apart from the important basic knowledge in delineating iron uptake mechanisms in cells, understanding how organisms causing mucormycosis obtain iron from ferrioxamine (deferoxamine bound with iron) is likely to develop strategies to treat mucormycosis infections in patients treated with deferoxamine. In this study we identified two cell surface receptors that bind ferrioxamine and facilitate iron uptake in Rhizopus oryzae, the most causative fungus of mucormycosis. These receptors are required for full virulence of R. oryzae in mice treated with deferoxamine. From genetic and biochemical studies it appears that the fungus binds ferrioxamine via these two receptors then liberates iron through a chemical modification step prior to transporting into the fungal cell without the internalization of deferoxamine.

Vyšlo v časopise: Fob1 and Fob2 Proteins Are Virulence Determinants of via Facilitating Iron Uptake from Ferrioxamine. PLoS Pathog 11(5): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004842
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004842


Deferoxamine is an iron-chelating agent often used to treat patients with acute iron poisoning, such as seen in dialysis patients with chronic renal failure. These patients are uniquely predisposed to a deadly fungal infection, called mucormycosis, because deferoxamine supplies iron that supports growth of fungi causing this infection. Apart from the important basic knowledge in delineating iron uptake mechanisms in cells, understanding how organisms causing mucormycosis obtain iron from ferrioxamine (deferoxamine bound with iron) is likely to develop strategies to treat mucormycosis infections in patients treated with deferoxamine. In this study we identified two cell surface receptors that bind ferrioxamine and facilitate iron uptake in Rhizopus oryzae, the most causative fungus of mucormycosis. These receptors are required for full virulence of R. oryzae in mice treated with deferoxamine. From genetic and biochemical studies it appears that the fungus binds ferrioxamine via these two receptors then liberates iron through a chemical modification step prior to transporting into the fungal cell without the internalization of deferoxamine.


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