44th Conference drug synthesis and analysis
(Brno, 2nd to 4th September 2015) – Part 1

Published in the journal: Čes. slov. Farm., 2015; 64, 202
Category: Summaries of Lectures

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

It is pleasing to introduce the agenda of the “44th Conference on the Synthesis and Analysis of Drugs” with a wide range of highly interesting issues relating to the development of drugs.

Our Conference is a very important annual gathering of employees of pharmaceutical universities and research institutions it is a great opportunity to renew contacts and discuss topics of mutual interest.

I would like to thank all presenters and other participants who contributed to increasing the awareness of treatment possibilities. I firmly believe that we can meet the upcoming challenges – especially if we continue the tradition of science in the service of public health.

assoc. prof. Ing. PharmDr. Radka Opatřilová, Ph.D., MBA

organizational committee

Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology

Článok vyšiel v časopise

Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

Číslo 5

2015 Číslo 5

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