Methods used in pharmaceutical technology to increase bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs after oral administration

Authors: Barbora Vraníková;  Jan Gajdziok
Published in the journal: Čes. slov. Farm., 2015; 64, 159-172
Category: Review Articles


Bioavailability increasing of poorly soluble drugs has become one of the main topics of modern pharmaceutical technology. Many methods based on the chemical modification, physical modification or new technological processes have been already used to improve bioavailability. Some of these methods (e.g. micronization, preparation of solid dispersions, formulation of an inclusion complex, etc.) have been for many years successfully used by pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, methods such as liquisolid system and self-emulsifying drug delivery systems are still in the early stages of their development. It is expected that this novel methods could play a significant role in the preparation of modern dosage forms. The aim of this paper is to provide the summary of methods improving bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs used in the field of pharmaceutical technology.

Key words:
bioavailability • poorly soluble drugs • micronization • solid dispersions • self-emulsifying drug delivery systems


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