Syndecan-1 Is Required to Maintain Intradermal Fat and Prevent Cold Stress
All mammals strive to maintain a fixed body temperature, and do so using a remarkable array of different strategies, which vary depending upon the degree of cold challenge. Physiologists many decades ago observed that a fat layer right underneath the epidermis (and above the dermal muscle layer) thickens in response to colder ambient temperatures. This “intradermal fat” provided insulation within days of climate changes. We have found that syndecan-1, which functions as a facultative lipoprotein uptake receptor, is required for intradermal fat expansion in response to cold exposure. This is a highly specific phenotype not shared by other adipocytes. When intradermal fat is absent, mice do not adapt normally to cold stress, and show altered systemic physiologies, including increased brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and hyper-activation of a stress checkpoint (p38α), designed to protect the body against mutagenic and oxidative stressors. The phenotypes associated with loss of Sdc1 function are reversed when mice are housed in warm temperatures, where defense of body temperature is not required. This study is the first to show that intradermal fat can be genetically regulated, with systemic effects on physiology.
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Syndecan-1 Is Required to Maintain Intradermal Fat and Prevent Cold Stress. PLoS Genet 10(8): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004514
Research Article
All mammals strive to maintain a fixed body temperature, and do so using a remarkable array of different strategies, which vary depending upon the degree of cold challenge. Physiologists many decades ago observed that a fat layer right underneath the epidermis (and above the dermal muscle layer) thickens in response to colder ambient temperatures. This “intradermal fat” provided insulation within days of climate changes. We have found that syndecan-1, which functions as a facultative lipoprotein uptake receptor, is required for intradermal fat expansion in response to cold exposure. This is a highly specific phenotype not shared by other adipocytes. When intradermal fat is absent, mice do not adapt normally to cold stress, and show altered systemic physiologies, including increased brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and hyper-activation of a stress checkpoint (p38α), designed to protect the body against mutagenic and oxidative stressors. The phenotypes associated with loss of Sdc1 function are reversed when mice are housed in warm temperatures, where defense of body temperature is not required. This study is the first to show that intradermal fat can be genetically regulated, with systemic effects on physiology.
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