Npvf: Hypothalamic Biomarker of Ambient Temperature Independent of Nutritional Status

Current knowledge does not provide a clear, definite view of central mechanisms controlling energy balance upon cold-activated thermogenesis. Here we show that upon cold exposure lean mice maintain body composition but increase food intake to fuel thermogenesis, whereas cold-exposed mice with DIO utilize endogenous fat stores and then transition to increased food intake as body composition approaches that of the lean controls. Using knockout mice with leptin and Ucp1 gene deficiency our study indicates that the relative energy utilization from food intake and endogenous energy reserves to maintain body temperature during cold exposure is independent of both leptin action and brown fat-linked thermogenesis. Using a combination of genetic and biological approaches, we demonstrate that Npvf gene expression in the hypothalamus is regulated by changes in ambient temperature in a manner independent of the nutritional status of the mouse.

Vyšlo v časopise: Npvf: Hypothalamic Biomarker of Ambient Temperature Independent of Nutritional Status. PLoS Genet 11(6): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005287
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005287


Current knowledge does not provide a clear, definite view of central mechanisms controlling energy balance upon cold-activated thermogenesis. Here we show that upon cold exposure lean mice maintain body composition but increase food intake to fuel thermogenesis, whereas cold-exposed mice with DIO utilize endogenous fat stores and then transition to increased food intake as body composition approaches that of the lean controls. Using knockout mice with leptin and Ucp1 gene deficiency our study indicates that the relative energy utilization from food intake and endogenous energy reserves to maintain body temperature during cold exposure is independent of both leptin action and brown fat-linked thermogenesis. Using a combination of genetic and biological approaches, we demonstrate that Npvf gene expression in the hypothalamus is regulated by changes in ambient temperature in a manner independent of the nutritional status of the mouse.


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