RNA Editome in Rhesus Macaque Shaped by Purifying Selection

RNA editing is a co-transcriptional process that introduces differences between RNA and its corresponding DNA sequence. Currently, the next generation sequencing have allowed study of the editome in a comprehensive and efficient manner. However, fundamental issues involving accurate mapping of the editome as well as its regulation and functional outcome remain unresolved. To further unveil the underlying mechanisms from the evolutionary perspective, we report here the editome profile in rhesus macaque, one of our closest evolutionary relatives. We identified a list of 31,250 RNA-editing sites and deciphered an accurate and informative editome across multiple tissues and animals. We found that the adenosine deamination is associated with the macaque editome, in that both the sequence context and the expression profile of ADARs are relevant factors in determining the quantitative variance of RNA editing across different sites and tissue types. Importantly, some of these RNA-editing events represent functional regulation, rather than neutral signals, as suggested by substitution valley of decreased divergence detected around the editing sites, an indication of selective constraint in maintaining some of these editing substrates with their double-stranded structure. The macaque editome thus provides an informative evolutionary context for an in-depth understanding of RNA editing regulation.

Vyšlo v časopise: RNA Editome in Rhesus Macaque Shaped by Purifying Selection. PLoS Genet 10(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004274
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004274


RNA editing is a co-transcriptional process that introduces differences between RNA and its corresponding DNA sequence. Currently, the next generation sequencing have allowed study of the editome in a comprehensive and efficient manner. However, fundamental issues involving accurate mapping of the editome as well as its regulation and functional outcome remain unresolved. To further unveil the underlying mechanisms from the evolutionary perspective, we report here the editome profile in rhesus macaque, one of our closest evolutionary relatives. We identified a list of 31,250 RNA-editing sites and deciphered an accurate and informative editome across multiple tissues and animals. We found that the adenosine deamination is associated with the macaque editome, in that both the sequence context and the expression profile of ADARs are relevant factors in determining the quantitative variance of RNA editing across different sites and tissue types. Importantly, some of these RNA-editing events represent functional regulation, rather than neutral signals, as suggested by substitution valley of decreased divergence detected around the editing sites, an indication of selective constraint in maintaining some of these editing substrates with their double-stranded structure. The macaque editome thus provides an informative evolutionary context for an in-depth understanding of RNA editing regulation.


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