Background Selection as Baseline for Nucleotide Variation across the Genome

The removal of deleterious mutations from natural populations has potential consequences on patterns of variation across genomes. Population genetic analyses, however, often assume that such effects are negligible across recombining regions of species like Drosophila. We use simple models of purifying selection and current knowledge of recombination rates and gene distribution across the genome to obtain a baseline of variation predicted by the constant input and removal of deleterious mutations. We find that purifying selection alone can explain a major fraction of the observed variance in nucleotide diversity across the genome. The use of a baseline of variation predicted by linkage to deleterious mutations as null expectation exposes genomic regions under other selective regimes, including more regions showing the signature of balancing selection than would be evident when using traditional approaches. Our study also indicates that most, if not all, nucleotides across the D. melanogaster genome are significantly influenced by the removal of deleterious mutations, even when located in the middle of highly recombining regions and distant from genes. Additionally, the study of rates of protein evolution confirms previous analyses suggesting that the recombination landscape across the genome has changed in the recent history of D. melanogaster. All these reported factors can skew current analyses designed to capture demographic events or estimate the strength and frequency of adaptive mutations, and illustrate the need for new and more realistic theoretical and modeling approaches to study naturally occurring genetic variation.

Vyšlo v časopise: Background Selection as Baseline for Nucleotide Variation across the Genome. PLoS Genet 10(6): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004434
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004434


The removal of deleterious mutations from natural populations has potential consequences on patterns of variation across genomes. Population genetic analyses, however, often assume that such effects are negligible across recombining regions of species like Drosophila. We use simple models of purifying selection and current knowledge of recombination rates and gene distribution across the genome to obtain a baseline of variation predicted by the constant input and removal of deleterious mutations. We find that purifying selection alone can explain a major fraction of the observed variance in nucleotide diversity across the genome. The use of a baseline of variation predicted by linkage to deleterious mutations as null expectation exposes genomic regions under other selective regimes, including more regions showing the signature of balancing selection than would be evident when using traditional approaches. Our study also indicates that most, if not all, nucleotides across the D. melanogaster genome are significantly influenced by the removal of deleterious mutations, even when located in the middle of highly recombining regions and distant from genes. Additionally, the study of rates of protein evolution confirms previous analyses suggesting that the recombination landscape across the genome has changed in the recent history of D. melanogaster. All these reported factors can skew current analyses designed to capture demographic events or estimate the strength and frequency of adaptive mutations, and illustrate the need for new and more realistic theoretical and modeling approaches to study naturally occurring genetic variation.


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