Hecate/Grip2a Acts to Reorganize the Cytoskeleton in the Symmetry-Breaking Event of Embryonic Axis Induction

One of the earliest and most crucial events in animal development is the establishment of the embryonic dorsal axis. In amphibians and fish, this event depends on the transport of so-called “dorsal determinants” from one region of the egg, at the pole opposite from the site where the oocyte nucleus lies, towards the site of axis induction. There, the dorsal determinant activates the Wnt signaling pathway, which in turn triggers dorsal gene expression. Dorsal determinant transport is mediated by the reorganization of a cellular network composed of microtubules. We determine that hecate, a zebrafish gene active during egg formation that is essential for embryonic axis induction, is required for an early step in this microtubule reorganization. We find that hecate corresponds to glutamate receptor interacting protein 2a, which participates in other animal systems in Wnt-based pathways. We also show that the microtubule reorganization dependent on hecate results in a subtle symmetry-breaking event that subsequently becomes amplified by a more general transport process independent of hecate function. Our data reveal new links between glutamate receptor interacting protein 2a, Wnt signaling and axis induction, and highlights basic mechanisms by which small changes early in development translate into global changes in the embryo.

Vyšlo v časopise: Hecate/Grip2a Acts to Reorganize the Cytoskeleton in the Symmetry-Breaking Event of Embryonic Axis Induction. PLoS Genet 10(6): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004422
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004422


One of the earliest and most crucial events in animal development is the establishment of the embryonic dorsal axis. In amphibians and fish, this event depends on the transport of so-called “dorsal determinants” from one region of the egg, at the pole opposite from the site where the oocyte nucleus lies, towards the site of axis induction. There, the dorsal determinant activates the Wnt signaling pathway, which in turn triggers dorsal gene expression. Dorsal determinant transport is mediated by the reorganization of a cellular network composed of microtubules. We determine that hecate, a zebrafish gene active during egg formation that is essential for embryonic axis induction, is required for an early step in this microtubule reorganization. We find that hecate corresponds to glutamate receptor interacting protein 2a, which participates in other animal systems in Wnt-based pathways. We also show that the microtubule reorganization dependent on hecate results in a subtle symmetry-breaking event that subsequently becomes amplified by a more general transport process independent of hecate function. Our data reveal new links between glutamate receptor interacting protein 2a, Wnt signaling and axis induction, and highlights basic mechanisms by which small changes early in development translate into global changes in the embryo.


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