DNA Methylation Landscapes of Human Fetal Development

Methylation of DNA is a key epigenetic mark. Adult tissues have highly distinct genome-wide DNA methylation signatures. How these signatures arise during human fetal development is largely unknown. Here, we studied DNA methylation profiles of four tissues (amnion, muscle, adrenal, pancreas) during first and second trimester of human fetal development. Already in the first trimester, a tissue-specific signature was found in each of the tissues. However, during the first and second trimester, a substantial number of genomic regions were found to gain and lose DNA methylation. Genomic regions that gained methylation were associated with the shut-down of developmental processes, while genomic regions that lose methylation were associated with the activation of tissue-specific functions. These findings on the DNA methylation landscape of human fetal development are important as they provide insight into regulatory elements that guide tissue specification and lead to organ functionality.

Vyšlo v časopise: DNA Methylation Landscapes of Human Fetal Development. PLoS Genet 11(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005583
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005583


Methylation of DNA is a key epigenetic mark. Adult tissues have highly distinct genome-wide DNA methylation signatures. How these signatures arise during human fetal development is largely unknown. Here, we studied DNA methylation profiles of four tissues (amnion, muscle, adrenal, pancreas) during first and second trimester of human fetal development. Already in the first trimester, a tissue-specific signature was found in each of the tissues. However, during the first and second trimester, a substantial number of genomic regions were found to gain and lose DNA methylation. Genomic regions that gained methylation were associated with the shut-down of developmental processes, while genomic regions that lose methylation were associated with the activation of tissue-specific functions. These findings on the DNA methylation landscape of human fetal development are important as they provide insight into regulatory elements that guide tissue specification and lead to organ functionality.


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