Loss of a Conserved tRNA Anticodon Modification Perturbs Plant Immunity

Numerous studies revealed the existence of nearly 110 ribonucleoside structures incorporated as post-transcriptional modifications in tRNA, with 25–30 modifications present in any one organism. Emerging evidence points to the critical role of tRNA modifications in various cellular responses to stimuli, including transcription of stress response genes and control of cell viability and growth. The primary function of tRNA modifications, and in particular tRNA methylations, are linked to different steps in protein synthesis including stabilization of tRNA structures, reinforcement of the codon-anticodon interaction, regulation of wobble base pairing, and prevention of frameshift errors. Furthermore, tRNA methylations are involved in the RNA quality control system and regulation of tRNA localization in the cell, all of which affect translation rate, but modifications in the anti-codon, which exhibit important roles in decoding mRNA are particularly important. We identified that the SCS9 gene from Arabidopsis encodes a tRNA 2´-O-ribose methyltransferase homologous to the TRM7 methyltransferase from yeast. We identify that SCS9 is crucial for the 2´-O-ribose methylation of nucleotides 32 and 34 of the tRNAs anticodon loop of certain tRNA molecules. We show that SCS9 is required for effectiveness of plant immunity and suggest the importance of precise tRNA modifications in this process.

Vyšlo v časopise: Loss of a Conserved tRNA Anticodon Modification Perturbs Plant Immunity. PLoS Genet 11(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005586
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005586


Numerous studies revealed the existence of nearly 110 ribonucleoside structures incorporated as post-transcriptional modifications in tRNA, with 25–30 modifications present in any one organism. Emerging evidence points to the critical role of tRNA modifications in various cellular responses to stimuli, including transcription of stress response genes and control of cell viability and growth. The primary function of tRNA modifications, and in particular tRNA methylations, are linked to different steps in protein synthesis including stabilization of tRNA structures, reinforcement of the codon-anticodon interaction, regulation of wobble base pairing, and prevention of frameshift errors. Furthermore, tRNA methylations are involved in the RNA quality control system and regulation of tRNA localization in the cell, all of which affect translation rate, but modifications in the anti-codon, which exhibit important roles in decoding mRNA are particularly important. We identified that the SCS9 gene from Arabidopsis encodes a tRNA 2´-O-ribose methyltransferase homologous to the TRM7 methyltransferase from yeast. We identify that SCS9 is crucial for the 2´-O-ribose methylation of nucleotides 32 and 34 of the tRNAs anticodon loop of certain tRNA molecules. We show that SCS9 is required for effectiveness of plant immunity and suggest the importance of precise tRNA modifications in this process.


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