KIF7 Controls the Proliferation of Cells of the Respiratory Airway through Distinct Microtubule Dependent Mechanisms
Respiratory diseases such as lung cancer, COPD, and asthma are the second leading cause of death in the United States. These diseases are heterogeneous and arise from genetic factors, environmental hazards, or developmental abnormalities that persist throughout life. An increased understanding of the genes and cellular mechanisms regulating respiratory system homeostasis and regeneration should provide information for the development of future therapeutics. We show that the gene Kif7 regulates cell proliferation, cellular density, and intracellular signaling within the epithelial and mesenchymal cells of the respiratory airway. We expand on the known role for Kif7 in regulating microtubule architecture within ciliated cells by showing that this protein regulates cell signaling in non-ciliated secretory cells. Furthermore, we show that microtubules function to regulate the abundance and activity of several factors known to be required for proper cell cycle timing. We propose that Kif7 and microtubule dynamics hone cellular signaling necessary for control of the balance between cell proliferation and cell cycle exit, and we provide evidence that Kif7 has a critical role in the maintenance of the respiratory system in postnatal life.
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KIF7 Controls the Proliferation of Cells of the Respiratory Airway through Distinct Microtubule Dependent Mechanisms. PLoS Genet 11(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005525
Research Article
Respiratory diseases such as lung cancer, COPD, and asthma are the second leading cause of death in the United States. These diseases are heterogeneous and arise from genetic factors, environmental hazards, or developmental abnormalities that persist throughout life. An increased understanding of the genes and cellular mechanisms regulating respiratory system homeostasis and regeneration should provide information for the development of future therapeutics. We show that the gene Kif7 regulates cell proliferation, cellular density, and intracellular signaling within the epithelial and mesenchymal cells of the respiratory airway. We expand on the known role for Kif7 in regulating microtubule architecture within ciliated cells by showing that this protein regulates cell signaling in non-ciliated secretory cells. Furthermore, we show that microtubules function to regulate the abundance and activity of several factors known to be required for proper cell cycle timing. We propose that Kif7 and microtubule dynamics hone cellular signaling necessary for control of the balance between cell proliferation and cell cycle exit, and we provide evidence that Kif7 has a critical role in the maintenance of the respiratory system in postnatal life.
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