Abscission Is Regulated by the ESCRT-III Protein Shrub in Germline Stem Cells

Abscission is the final step of cytokinesis which allows the physical separation of sister cells through the scission of a thin cytoplasmic bridge that links them at the end of mitosis. The duration of abscission varies depending on cell types, indicating that the event is developmentally regulated. Recently, we have identified two kinases, Aurora B and CycB/Cdk-1, which regulate the timing of abscission in germ cells and in mammalian cells. However, these kinases are upstream regulators and do not perform abscission per se. Here, we show that Shrub, a potential target of Aurora B and one of the most downstream effectors of abscission, is required for complete abscission in germline stem cells. In the absence of Shrub, the mother stem cell remains linked to its daughter cells, which then share the same cytoplasm and cannot differentiate. Loss of Shrub and Aurora B have opposite effects on abscission duration suggesting that Aurora B regulates negatively Shrub. We further show that Shrub acts together with its interactor Lethal giant disc to ensure proper abscission timing.

Vyšlo v časopise: Abscission Is Regulated by the ESCRT-III Protein Shrub in Germline Stem Cells. PLoS Genet 11(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004653
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004653


Abscission is the final step of cytokinesis which allows the physical separation of sister cells through the scission of a thin cytoplasmic bridge that links them at the end of mitosis. The duration of abscission varies depending on cell types, indicating that the event is developmentally regulated. Recently, we have identified two kinases, Aurora B and CycB/Cdk-1, which regulate the timing of abscission in germ cells and in mammalian cells. However, these kinases are upstream regulators and do not perform abscission per se. Here, we show that Shrub, a potential target of Aurora B and one of the most downstream effectors of abscission, is required for complete abscission in germline stem cells. In the absence of Shrub, the mother stem cell remains linked to its daughter cells, which then share the same cytoplasm and cannot differentiate. Loss of Shrub and Aurora B have opposite effects on abscission duration suggesting that Aurora B regulates negatively Shrub. We further show that Shrub acts together with its interactor Lethal giant disc to ensure proper abscission timing.


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