Sex-specific -regulatory Variation on the X Chromosome

Theory provides contrasting predictions with respect to the relative magnitude of standing genetic variation on the X chromosome and the autosomes. While most classic population genetics theory suggests a dearth of variation on the X chromosome, theory which concerns selection operating differently in males and females sometimes suggests the opposite. In support of classic theory we find that genetic variants influencing gene expression far from where they are located in the genome (trans-acting) are depleted on the X chromosome. Trans-acting genetic variants with a larger effect in females than in males do, however, depart from this pattern. Allelic variants with a trans-acting female-biased effect are primarily located in regions where the dosage compensation machinery is less active. This suggests that the intrinsic properties of dosage compensation influence the accumulation of different types of trans-factors and/or their propensity to accumulate mutations. These findings have general implications for the evolution of the X chromosome, but may also have relevance for the evolution of sexual dimorphism.

Vyšlo v časopise: Sex-specific -regulatory Variation on the X Chromosome. PLoS Genet 11(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005015
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005015


Theory provides contrasting predictions with respect to the relative magnitude of standing genetic variation on the X chromosome and the autosomes. While most classic population genetics theory suggests a dearth of variation on the X chromosome, theory which concerns selection operating differently in males and females sometimes suggests the opposite. In support of classic theory we find that genetic variants influencing gene expression far from where they are located in the genome (trans-acting) are depleted on the X chromosome. Trans-acting genetic variants with a larger effect in females than in males do, however, depart from this pattern. Allelic variants with a trans-acting female-biased effect are primarily located in regions where the dosage compensation machinery is less active. This suggests that the intrinsic properties of dosage compensation influence the accumulation of different types of trans-factors and/or their propensity to accumulate mutations. These findings have general implications for the evolution of the X chromosome, but may also have relevance for the evolution of sexual dimorphism.


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