The Genetic Architecture of the Genome-Wide Transcriptional Response to ER Stress in the Mouse

Genetic variation among individuals can greatly impact the severity of disease outcomes. To understand the effects of different genetic backgrounds on disease presentation, we focused on ER stress, an important cellular stressor that impacts many human diseases. We examined how genetic variation affects ER stress response, at the RNA level, in eight laboratory mouse strains and their hybrid progeny. We find that each mouse strain responds in a unique way to ER stress, and we characterized the patterns of genetic variation that underlie the differences in ER stress response between the strains. We find that the strains show major differences in their inflammatory response to ER stress, a critical component to disease. The results of this study are important for understanding potential ways in which genetic variation in ER stress response could impact disease, and lays the groundwork for future studies in human patients.

Vyšlo v časopise: The Genetic Architecture of the Genome-Wide Transcriptional Response to ER Stress in the Mouse. PLoS Genet 11(2): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004924
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004924


Genetic variation among individuals can greatly impact the severity of disease outcomes. To understand the effects of different genetic backgrounds on disease presentation, we focused on ER stress, an important cellular stressor that impacts many human diseases. We examined how genetic variation affects ER stress response, at the RNA level, in eight laboratory mouse strains and their hybrid progeny. We find that each mouse strain responds in a unique way to ER stress, and we characterized the patterns of genetic variation that underlie the differences in ER stress response between the strains. We find that the strains show major differences in their inflammatory response to ER stress, a critical component to disease. The results of this study are important for understanding potential ways in which genetic variation in ER stress response could impact disease, and lays the groundwork for future studies in human patients.


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