Evolution and Design Governing Signal Precision and Amplification in a Bacterial Chemosensory Pathway

Deciphering the circuit design of signal transduction networks is a fundamental question in cell biology. This task is challenging because many pathways are branched and control multiple cellular processes in response to one or several environmental signals. Studying pathway diversification in bacteria could be a powerful approach because these organisms contain so-called chemosensory systems, modular signaling units that have been adapted multiple times independently to regulate a large number of physiological processes. Here, we studied one such system, the Myxococcus xanthus chemosensory pathway (Frz) that controls the directionality of two distinct motility systems (A- and S-motility). By experimentally uncoupling the regulations, we found that the Frz pathway evolved from a simpler ancestral system that only controlled S-motility originally. Two major pathway remodeling events allowed the recruitment of A-motility to the regulation, (i) the duplication of a connector protein which created the branch point and (ii), the acquisition of a signal amplification mechanism to allow signal partitioning at the branch point. These results reveal the core structure of a complex chemosensory system and generally suggest that gene duplication and signal amplification underlie the diversification of signal transduction pathways.

Vyšlo v časopise: Evolution and Design Governing Signal Precision and Amplification in a Bacterial Chemosensory Pathway. PLoS Genet 11(8): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005460
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005460


Deciphering the circuit design of signal transduction networks is a fundamental question in cell biology. This task is challenging because many pathways are branched and control multiple cellular processes in response to one or several environmental signals. Studying pathway diversification in bacteria could be a powerful approach because these organisms contain so-called chemosensory systems, modular signaling units that have been adapted multiple times independently to regulate a large number of physiological processes. Here, we studied one such system, the Myxococcus xanthus chemosensory pathway (Frz) that controls the directionality of two distinct motility systems (A- and S-motility). By experimentally uncoupling the regulations, we found that the Frz pathway evolved from a simpler ancestral system that only controlled S-motility originally. Two major pathway remodeling events allowed the recruitment of A-motility to the regulation, (i) the duplication of a connector protein which created the branch point and (ii), the acquisition of a signal amplification mechanism to allow signal partitioning at the branch point. These results reveal the core structure of a complex chemosensory system and generally suggest that gene duplication and signal amplification underlie the diversification of signal transduction pathways.


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